Tuesday, November 07, 2006

100th Post!

To celebrate I thought I would share one of my pickies with you. It's part of the University in the pouring rain. It is unenhanced. I love the camera that I've borrowed. It's FujiFinePix and it'll take 9m pixles!

My butt is getting well and truly kicked and I am panicking. I have no idea how I'm going to work and produce this wretched dissertation and keep my household going and still keep my boy happy. Work is still fun, but I come home knackered and grumpy. I resorted to takeaway last night, having missed the 18.11 bus. I had to wait half an hour in the cold for the next one. After about 10 mins I was joined at the stop by a woman in a white woolly hat, lugging a pet carrier.

Things to do While Waiting at a Bus Stop.

  • sing/ mutter along with MP3 player, even if it means admitting that you like cheesey music

  • flex and rotate hips

  • try not to stare at the woman who is singing along in her KA stopped opposite

  • rotate ankles in time with Donna Summer

  • stare into oncoming traffic

  • practise footwork for body jabs

  • smile at woman with pet carrier

Is it any wonder that the woman with the pet carrier stayed as far away from me? Anyone would think I'm a bit odd.


  1. well hon, you know you can always invite me round to do the washing up.
    very good work on scaring the straights. esp. pet carrying people. Do they not realise that the pet has 4 legs of its own.

  2. Britswitch....please, please, please!!!

    I would just appreciate it soooooo much. I just can't seem to do everything. Damn, I'm just not superwoman.

    I'll do you dinner and ply you with wine, dvds and a futon for the night. Is that a deal?

  3. Ing will be getting over-excited again... ;)

  4. Of course. My veggie chilli is to DIE for.


  5. Anonymous5:25 pm

    He he he.

    Anyway, I'm really excited about my flat being cleaned by someone else.

  6. Oh, by the way, if anyone else would like to hang out in Messenger Live with me, my hotmail address is: rhhblackthorn@hotmail.co.uk feel free to add me, I'll go put the kettle on.

    To Any Spammers reading this: I know I have a small penis, I know I'm impotent - save your energy, don't bother e-mailing me.

  7. Nice pic. Like mine, only without the shitting dog or half your mate's gormless head in the frame.

    Things to do at a bus stop

    . Try to work out how I can post to your blog from firefox. I have to open IE explorer especially!

  8. Anonymous8:11 pm

    Thanks Gary, compliments indeed from the master.

    You are trying to post to my site from a bus stop? Wow, you are seriously hard core. Respect.


Hey, how's it going?

Bank Holiday Sunday

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