Wednesday, November 22, 2006


I was checking out Gertie's website (link to be added shortly). She had done an online personality test and I was curious. Now I am a huge fan of Pop Psychology. I love the straightforwardness, the rationality and the simplicity of it. I think Dr Phil is great, I love the way he can sort out a person in a few short pithy sentences and bring about complete change.

Unfortunately, I don't believe in it. It's a bit like the FGP, I'd love to believe in one, but it aint never gonna happen. Life is never straightforward, situations and people do not fit neatly into boxes. But it doesn't stop me being fascinated by it. Anyway I did a test. These are my results:

The Asserter

you chose AY - your Enneagram type is EIGHT.
"I must be strong"
Asserters are direct, self-reliant, self-confident, and protective.

How to Get Along with Me
*Stand up for yourself... and me.
*Be confident, strong, and direct.
*Don't gossip about me or betray my trust.
*Be vulnerable and share your feelings. See and acknowledge my tender, vulnerable side.
*Give me space to be alone.
*Acknowledge the contributions I make, but don't flatter me.
*I often speak in an assertive way. Don't automatically assume it's a personal attack.
*When I scream, curse, and stomp around, try to remember that's just the way I am.

What I Like About Being a Eight
*being independent and self-reliant
*being able to take charge and meet challenges head on
*being courageous, straightforward, and honest
*getting all the enjoyment I can out of life
*supporting, empowering, and protecting those close to me
*upholding just causes

What's Hard About Being a Eight
*overwhelming people with my bluntness; scaring them away when I don't intend to
*being restless and impatient with others' incompetence
*sticking my neck out for people and receiving no appreciation for it
*never forgetting injuries or injustices
*putting too much pressure on myself
*getting high blood pressure when people don't obey the rules or when things don't go right

Eights as Children Often
*are independent; have an inner strength and a fighting spirit
*are sometimes loners
*seize control so they won't be controlled
*fugure out others' weaknesses
*attack verbally or physically when provoked
*take charge in the family because they perceive themselves as the strongest, or grow up in difficult or abusive surroundings

Eights as Parents
*are often loyal, caring, involved, and devoted
*are sometimes overprotective
*can be demanding, controlling, and rigid

The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test

Unfortunately, doing the test has meant that I've been signed up for OkCupid. *sigh*


  1. lol ~ i want to know what being signed up with okcupid entails.

    Sometimes we do these at work parties just for a laugh. I agree with you, people are much more complex than these tests allow for but they are fun.

  2. Anonymous11:35 am

    I think I've been drafted to an internet dating service. I did it this morning and already I'm getting e-mails demanding that I complete my profile and upload my picture onto the site.

    Why? why did I allow curiousity get the better of me. I should know better by now.

  3. "Don't gossip about me or betray my trust."

    How many personality types do have "Gossip about me and betray my trust!", I wonder.

    Here is a test I remember having been given at school:

    You have only three minutes to answer these questions.

    1. Read everything before doing anything.
    2. Put your name on the upper right hand corner of this paper.
    3. Circle the word "name" in sentence two.
    4. Draw five small squares in the upper left-hand corner of this paper.
    5. Put an "x" In each square.
    6. Put a circle around each square.
    7. Sign your name under the title.
    8. After the title write "yes, yes, yes".
    9. Put a circle around each word In sentence no. 7.
    10. Put an "x" in the lower left hand corner of this paper.
    11. Draw a triangle around the "x" you just put down.
    12. On the reverse side of this paper multiply 703 by 9805.
    13. Draw a rectangle around the word "paper" in sentence number 4.
    14. Call out your first name when you get to this point in your paper.
    15. If you think you have followed directions up to this point In the test, call out "I have".
    16. On the reverse side of the paper add 8950 and 9850.
    17. Put a circle around your answer.
    18. Count out loud In normal speaking voice backwards from ten to one.
    19. Now that you have finished reading, do only steps one and two.

    I'm not sure if that's the exact one, but it was certainly very similar.
    I recognised it and grinned as soon as I saw it, having randomly encountered it a few months earlier :)

    It was very interesting to watch around the room at who was falling for it ;)

    One of the smartest girls in the class fell for a great deal of it, even up to the "saying your name" points ;)

  4. I forgot to add :)

    I was on this site last night, when Mrs M had to do a double-take as she thought it looked like it must be some sort of dating service, thanks to the banner at the top! :)

  5. Anonymous12:15 pm

    Thanks for that one IM, I'm going to print it out and see if Boy falls for it. From one who hates reading instructions (I buy phones that are unsexy, just because they are easy to use), I nearly fell for it. I had a good laugh.

    Yes that was a dodgy banner, I'm not surprised she had to look twice. But those kinds of banners pop-up all over the places and they aren't really within your control.

    I meant to ask...does she know about 'the groupies'? Does she mind?

  6. Anonymous7:34 pm

    lol - these things always make me giggle...

    I like IM's quiz too - going to print that out purely to annoy the other half you NEVER EVER reads instructions...

  7. Anonymous7:35 pm

    sorry too quick to press publish...that should be *who never...

  8. She wasn't seriously concerned by the banner :) But most of the normally "a bit dodgy" sites I go on look far more basic than that, so would have stuck out :)
    (Took me ages to figure out why Rochester seemed to be filled with wanton young ladies, eventually worked it it's because that's where my ISP is based, so it targetted the ads by location)

    lol, 'the groupies' ? :) You lot? :) She's aware I have a bunch of friends I made via my blog. She was slightly jealous at first, but then figured, "Well, he made the effort to find some", so wasn't (as) bothered.

    NM: He's always doing things too quickly, huh? :) He'll be pushing that publish button before too quickly soon ;)

  9. Anonymous10:53 pm

    Pop psychology is the new pop psychology. Amusingly there were aspects of test - ok, the cartoons at the end - which had a distinct ring of truth. Although I have to say I steer clear of faceless supermarkets when I can on a socio-political basis.

  10. Anonymous11:10 pm

    Welcome Gertie! Lovely to see you.

    I must admit when I looked at my results I was slightly taken aback...not that I'm owning up to anything, mind you. ;-)


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