Friday, January 12, 2007

Change One Thing

Along with the New Year comes the resolutions which I refuse to make - it's the only resolution I can stick to. I was watching Gillian McKeith on Tuesday and I was struck by a couple of thoughts and a bit of a paradox I wanted to share.

At present, it seems like all channels are bombarding their viewers with 'improvement' shows. How to improve your home, your children, you. Extreme vs. non-extreme. Plastic surgery, diet, shopping, therapy. All with the basic premise which I found deeply saddening ~ there is something wrong with 'you' that these measures will fix. There is also the equally worrying assumption that once 'you' have a new wardrobe, a new face, a new body, all will be well. I know I'm being slightly naive, happy people don't make good television. No one seems to want to celebrate success, unless it comes with a clear cost.

Anyway, I digress. For an hour I watched Dr McKeith (please note, she is not a medical doctor, a fact that seems not to figure prominently anywhere in her bumpf) bully and terrorise two hapless people. Meat, dairy products as well as a whole host of 'naughty' foods were cut out of their diets. They had to exercise 3 times a day for half an hour every day. Their excrement was examined, analysed and mocked. As were her subjects. At the end of her regime, there can be no doubt, her two subjects looked fitter and appeared to have gained in self-confidence. I do not doubt for a moment that adopting her regime worked for these two.

I have spent a bit of time wondering why the whole process rubbed me up the wrong way. Then I realised what it was. It was a puritan regime. It's success depends on the denial of pleasure. I'm sorry but drinking a glass of kale juice does not constitute pleasure in my reality. I have no doubt that she would argue that my tastebuds have been deadened by sugar, caffeine and msg. She's probably right. Would I give up meat, dairy products, wine, ribena, caffeine, sugar, potatoes, chocolate, crisps to become a 'better person'?
Which brings me neatly to my paradox. Most people lack confidence, self-esteem, they'll give you a list of their short-comings, faults, dislikes about their bodies. The self-help world tells us that we have the power to change these things and that we'll become happier if we do. Really? So in essence we have have to learn to like ourselves and change the things we don't like. Tell me again, how does that work?

I'm quite aware of the shortcomings of my life-style. More exercise and more fresh fruit and veg are always on my To Do List. I suppose I really enjoy my vices, I do try to keep them in moderation. But their presence in my life brings me a great deal of pleasure. That seems to be missing from the You are What you Eat Regime. I'm a Taurean, and the pursuit of pleasure and sensual activities are inherent Taurean traits. *slaps Monkfish and Cogidubnus for any double entendres - that's not what I mean*. Good food, good drink, shiney things, pleasureable company, good films, books....all these things enhance my life.

I don't mean to be personal, but when you look at Gillian McKeith. She is obviously slender and fit, but there's always a pinched expression and an almost religious zeal in her eyes. Perhaps I'm being unfair but, compare her with Nigella Lawson. Nigella is sensual, voluptuous and I love the naughty twinkle in her eye. So Gillian might live a bit longer, I bet Nigella will have more fun. I know who I'd rather aspire to be.


  1. Argh, I have to say, that woman (McKeith) does get right on my tits :)
    Very much agree on the pinched expression. She doesn't look happy.

    I could say more here, but I'd been thinking about some of this already as it happens, and I thought it would make a great theme for either my 200th post (next) or my 1 year bloggiversary post (uh 6 days I think).

    That, and I should be working :)

  2. Anonymous3:52 pm

    We'll have to link posts then. I look forward to your musings.

  3. I couldn't agree more.

    I work with someone who doesn't eat wheat or dairy (she's not allergic to them though) and she's very puritanical in her diet but she is always ill and never looks paricularly healthy. If I was her, I'd feel rather cheated. At least with a few little vices, there is something to blame for looking rough!

  4. Anonymous6:07 pm

    Not being funny or anything, but at least with a few vices, life is a bit more fun. A little bit of naughty, never did anyone any harm.

    Like you said, at least there's a good reason for looking wan and pasty.

  5. Anonymous8:27 pm

    hear hear...I wholeheartedly endorse naughtiness, vices and shiny things....

  6. Anonymous1:27 am

    Sweetheart, I've only seen your photo from the rear (as you have so carefully pointed out);

    However, from the very little evidence you reveal it is obvious that you are physically attractive...and more importantly, from your blog you are (mentally) practically irresistable...


  7. Blimey cogi,

    I think you have to start taking cold showers before you read here! ;)


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