Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The New Year

Lots of my favourite bloggers have been reviewing their year and I've spent some time thinking about 2006.

Some key moments for me:
  • ending my long-term relationship in February
  • continuing my degree
  • coming to terms with my boy going to high-school and becoming a teenager
  • blogging
  • letting go of some out-of-date emotional stuff, I'd been lugging around
Ing's post on the Beauty of Uncertainty really struck a chord with me, because I am a Woman with a Plan. Or at least, I was. In 2006, I accepted that I haven't actually got a clue. All of the things I thought I wanted for myself, are actually really bad for me. So in essence, I don't know about 2007.

I suspect it's going to be fraught, painful and bloody hard work, but then, when hasn't life been like that? I have good friends who care for me, virtual and real life. I'm still breathing in and out. My Boy is a delight. I still manage my mortgage payments. All in all I think I'm doing fine. I might feel a little bit bruised and tired, but that's okay.

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Hey, how's it going?

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